1992 Farewell to the Red Baron and Snoopy
A grand view of the Grand Canyon, childhood memory at the Crayola factory, the race is on bragging about my plane, a trip only possible on Fly By Knight, and time to move on to the next plane.
A grand view of the Grand Canyon, childhood memory at the Crayola factory, the race is on bragging about my plane, a trip only possible on Fly By Knight, and time to move on to the next plane.
Plane trouble Thursday morning Marie and I headed to Palwaukee for what promised to be a wonderful week: Dinner with a friend and advertiser in Danville, Kentucky; a three-day conference at a luxury resort in Naples, Florida with newsstand magazine wholesalers from all over the country; and on the way home a visit with another
LifeLine Pilots Emergency Mission The phone next to my head snapped me out of deep winter slumber. It was 1:30 AM. The temperature outside was 17 degrees below zero. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?! Lifeline Pilots calling. “A boy and his parents need to be in Minneapolis STAT for a kidney transplant. Will you take the mission?”
1990 Flying at a new level If the world headquarters of my personal airline was our home on Knight Street, the natural name had to be Fly By Knight – with a fleet of one Red Baron. By this time, I had attained a degree of mastery, and the stories were more about the trips.
1989 Requirements My dream was to use the Red Baron as my own personal airline. Airlines have an extraordinary safety record – and it’s no accident. They pay meticulous attention to the quality of both their equipment and their personnel. Equipment: The Turbo Baron had not only two engines, but two of everything dependent on